Can You Vote? All These Say Yes!

Colton Bail Bonds

Can You Vote? All These Say Yes!

For reliable bail help, call 909-888-7007

Colton Bail Bonds

The Presidential Election is only a few months away, and for eligible voters, it is quite an exciting time. From first-time voters, to those seeking to elect a candidate who can make a positive difference, it is sure to be quite the election. Here are some voting rights you may or may not know about:

  • You must be 18 or older to vote, and you must be a United States citizen.
  • Your address may be kept confidential by order of a superior court and/or upon valid confirmation that you are a member of the Safe At Home Program.
  • Employees can leave work to vote and still be paid for up to 2 hours, given that they do not have time to vote outside of regular work hours.
  • If you have children who are under the age of 13 and you are unable to secure a babysitter, you may bring them to the voting booth with you.
  • Voting polls close at 8 pm, meaning you have to be in line to vote by 8 pm. If you are in line by 7:55 pm, and 8 o’clock strikes, you will still be allowed to cast your vote.
  • No action is required to restore voting rights for anyone who has served time in prison and completed parole. Once that person has completed parole, they are automatically eligible to vote again.

Voting is a right and a great privilege that is at risk when someone is arrested. People can still vote if they are on trial, but they cannot vote if they are convicted. Do not risk that chance.

If you need a bail bond to get your loved one out of jail, contact Colton Bail Bond Store online or at 909-888-7007. Consultation with one of our friendly bail agents is always FREE, so call today and do not hesitate to ask about our zero down bail bonds along with you other bail-related questions. Colton Bail Bond Store is here to help, so let us! We are open 24/7 for your convenience.

Consultations are always FREE, so call Colton Bail Bond Store at 909-888-7007 or Chat With Us now.

Call San Bernardino Bail Bond Store Now At 909-888-7007