Loma Linda Bail Bonds

Mad, scared, worried, stressed – these are feelings that you face when you learn a loved one of yours has been arrested. Think about what your loved one is feeling and what they are going through. They have it so much worse than you. What...

Having a criminal record is not exactly a good thing, however, having a criminal record is not the worst thing ever. Though it may be a little weight to carry, your criminal record will not ruin your life. Have you ever considered that someone you...

Every January 1st, a whole bunch of new laws go into effect in California. The new laws this year include the following: Minimum Wage: Any business that employs 26 or more people will be raising their minimum wages to $10.50, up $0.50 per hour. By...

Arrive to your court hearing a few minutes early. Dress appropriately like you are going for an interview. Avoid flashy jewelry and distracting, revealing, and unkempt clothing items. Remove hats and sunglasses. Do not chew gum. Sit and stand straight. Speak and answer...

Are you feeling lost and confused due to a loved one’s arrest? We know that you want to help your friend or family member get out of jail, but you have now idea on how to do that. You will want the help of an...

Are you wondering how much the interest on your friend or family member’s bail bond will be? Well, if you go to the right bail bond company, you will not have to pay any interest. Some bail bond companies charge interest on their bail bonds. This...

Wondering how you are going to pay for your loved one’s bail bond? Do not worry, a good bail agent will make paying for your friend or family member’s bail bond easy. After all, a bail agent’s job is to make the bail bond process...

When needing to post bail, a defendant has a couple of options. Which option he or she chooses is dependent on what they can afford. The first option is cash bail. For this option, the defendant, and anyone on his or her behalf, must pay...

New California laws banning the use of cellphones while driving have officially been put into place starting January 1, 2017. While such laws have already existed in California for some time now, the new laws expand on existing ones. The existing ones are outdated, having...

Bail bonds are used to release defendants from jail who are accused of all sorts of crimes, such as theft, conspiracy, or domestic violence. You know, typical things that are obviously crimes. However, did you know that in California, a person can still technically be...