Reliable Bail Bonds

In today’s modern age, just about everyone has a smart device in their pocket or purse. These spectacular little devices allow us to do so many different things. We can talk to loved ones who live on the other side of the country, search for...

If there were anything California is famous for besides Hollywood, it would probably be earthquakes. Californians are used to the impending doom of earthquakes and knowing how to properly seek shelter in any room. Even though we know that the “Big One” will hit us...

Childhood can be pretty rough at times. All kinds of things are happening, and many times those things can feel bigger and more important than they actually are. As kids learn about themselves, others, and the world around them, they may develop some bad habits....

California is a large state full of opportunities and things to do. Even though it’s winter, the temperatures don’t always show it. This is a great opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors by checking out some of the parks within California. With hundreds of hiking...

For those unaware, the start of the new year also marked the start of California being a sanctuary state. The controversial decision to become a sanctuary state was decided on by California politicians at the end of 2017. At the beginning of October, Governor Jerry...

This new year brought Californians the ability to sell marijuana. This also allows folks the opportunity to purchase marijuana for recreational use. You may be under the impression that this means you can smoke whenever and wherever you want. However that’s not the case. It’s important...

Holding Parents Responsible for Their Child’s Bullying Without a doubt, parents have a duty to do their part to ensure that their kids do not bully others. They need to regularly remind their kids about the importance of treating others the way they would want to...

With a fresh start this year, you may be feeling extra happy. As the weeks drag on you may feel this happiness begin to fade. It can be difficult to stay happy as you begin to return to your normal routine. Have no fear, there...

The best way to find out if you and another person are going to be great friends, is to learn whether they like cats or dogs. This trivial question may seem meaningless or irrelevant to some. However, knowing if this person likes cats or dogs...

Did you know you can hire professional cuddlers? We’re not talking about random strangers cuddling you, we’re talking about people who are trained in the art of cuddling. Why would we need to be cuddled? Well, if you’re part of the forever alone group or...