Reliable Bail Bonds

You’ve been anxious and excited for your upcoming travel plans ever since the beginning of the year when you locked it in. But just the other week, your travel buddy was arrested and then released on bail. Is this going to ruin your trip? Can...

At Fontana Bail Bonds Store Store we understand how important your family is to you. We are a family-owned company and always have been since our founding in 1987. We treat your family like we would our own, so you can count on us to...

Bailing someone you care about out of jail by yourself can be intimidating and difficult. To bail someone out of jail by yourself, you have to pay the court the full price of your family member’s bail up front. The court will not work with...

Do not let your loved one suffer through jail time that he does not need to spend. Everyone has the legal right to be bailed out of jail, so help your loved one exercise that right by bailing him out of jail with help from...

When you’re traveling to a foreign country, it’s imperative to study up on that country’s local laws, culture, and language. Many people do not realize how easy it might be to get into legal trouble. If you’re arrested abroad, you have to go through that...

When your son or daughter calls you from jail, you’re going to be overwhelmed with emotions. You’re relieved they’re safe, angry they got in serious trouble, worried about how this will affect their future, stressed about how to handle the next steps, embarrassed for your...

You can consider being granted “own recognizance” release as the sincerest form of flattery when it comes to bail. This is a no-cost bail where a judge will allow a defendant to be released from jail by signing a written promise to attend any and...

You don’t expect to have to pay for bail one day, so at San Bernardino Bail Bond Store don’t expect you to know all the details about bail and bail bonds. But now that you have come to us for help, we will make sure...

We all know that TV shows and movies rarely show “the full truth, and nothing but the truth” when it comes to portraying real life, daily situations. Some details are left out, some are exaggerated. This is to glorify a situation to make it juicier...

Everyone has important people in their life that they would do anything for. When one of these people gets arrested, you immediately begin trying to get your VIP out of jail. Everyone wants to protect the people closest to them and at Apple Valley Bail...