San Bernardino Blog

If you are seeking a way to help bail your loved one out of jail after he or she has been arrested, you are likely going to run into the suggestion of hiring a bail bondsman. Before making any decisions, you should know their role...

Voting rights for some convicted felons in California could soon change - possibly. Currently in California, the law only allows convicted felons to vote only when they have been released from jail and completed parole; their voting rights are automatically restored upon completion. But now...

One unpaid parking ticket - you think you can get away with it for awhile. They have way more important matters to follow up on instead of your ticket. This ideology will only go so far, if it has even gotten you anywhere to begin...

Even if your loved one is so befallen with guilt about the crime he or she has just been arrested for, to the point where he or she does not want to pay for bail, you, as their supportive loved one, should not let them...

Whatever negative, threatening, and intimidating thoughts you have surrounding bail bonds and bail agents, you need to drop them, now. These preconceived ideas and notions are easy to hold onto because you see them in TV shows and movies. Plus, you might think that because...

Cosigning onto a bail bond is a huge gesture of the signer towards the defendant who needs the bail bond. However, it also is a risk for the cosigner. And for the defendant, it is a lot of trust and good faith instill upon them,...

The truth about bail bonds is that for anyone out on bail through a bail bond is more likely to abide by their release terms, conditions, and agreements. They are more likely to show up for their court dates. They are more likely to meet...

It is hard to believe that in the moment a person is being arrested by the police, the police are also reading them Miranda Rights to remind them of their rights so they can protect themselves from the police and prosecution later on, so they...

There is no such thing as a company that doesn’t have flaws and doesn’t have at least one less than satisfied customer. Each person takes different stances on a company based on personal experience, situation, and expectation. A company can only do so much for...

The team at San Bernardino Bail Bond Store in California are unsung superheroes. These men and women are the people you would want when you or a loved one is arrested because when someone is arrested, there will definitely be plenty of opposing parties and...