cheapest bail bonds in san bernardino Tag

The current situation you are in is heartbreaking. Your loved one has been arrested and cannot afford to pay for bail alone. Sitting on your left shoulder is the little you that says, “Don’t get involved! You’ve done so much for them in the past and...

The best early Christmas gift you can give to a friend this year is possibly going to be the most you have ever spent on them, but it is a priceless gift. We are talking about paying for their bail bond. The good thing to start...

Bail for a defendant is going to be based on a number of criteria. What the crime was. Whether or not the defendant has a prior record of criminal activity. The bonds he or she has with other members of the community (flight risk). His or her financial...

The number for San Bernardino Bail Bond Store is 909-888-7007. You might want to remember that (and the company’s name) next time you have a run-in with the cops. This time, you got away or got off easy. But next time they may not be...

Getting arrested is a serious enough issue for a loved one of yours to be so mad at you - madder than you have ever seen them. So mad (and disappointed, which may be worse) to the point you think they will separate themselves from...

Among a parent’s most frightening thoughts is that their child is going to be or has been arrested. In this moment, they want to be there to help their child as much as they can but frankly, there is only so much they can do...

Compared to cash bail, bail bonds are a small cost. Bail bonds cost 10% of cash bail. So it may be a few hundred or a few thousand dollars that you would much rather spend on something else. But knowing that your loved one, who...

Voting rights for some convicted felons in California could soon change - possibly. Currently in California, the law only allows convicted felons to vote only when they have been released from jail and completed parole; their voting rights are automatically restored upon completion. But now...

One unpaid parking ticket - you think you can get away with it for awhile. They have way more important matters to follow up on instead of your ticket. This ideology will only go so far, if it has even gotten you anywhere to begin...

Even if your loved one is so befallen with guilt about the crime he or she has just been arrested for, to the point where he or she does not want to pay for bail, you, as their supportive loved one, should not let them...