cost of bail bonds Tag

When you were younger and watching all those cool crime shows on TV, you probably got scared out of your mind that if you ever got arrested, your life would be over, as you know it, that there would be no getting out of jail,...

In case you didn’t know, in California, the legal age to smoke is 21, not 18. This change happened a couple of months ago in an effort to prevent youths from smoking. Teens who smoke at an early age are more likely to continue doing...

If you have faced the horror of bearing witness to your loved one’s arrest, you should not have to face the nightmares that follow that moment alone. Do not worry, Crestline Bail Bond Store knows all the right steps to lead you through the bail...

Positive testimonials about a company from previous customers are a good indicator that the company is one you can trust. A reliable, honest company is the only thing you need when the matter concerns a loved one’s freedom. Here is what former clients of Colton...

Halloween for adults is completely different than Halloween for kids. Costumes are still involved, but instead of candy and trick-or-treating, it is going out to clubs and parties, while probably consuming copious amounts of alcohol. There is nothing wrong with that, until drinking and driving...

If you are seeking a way to help bail your loved one out of jail after he or she has been arrested, you are likely going to run into the suggestion of hiring a bail bondsman. Before making any decisions, you should know their role...

Being married to your partner is a beautiful blessing in life, but it does not come without challenges. Your marriage vows “for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health” are taken seriously and couples who are able to overcome all...

Our team at Colton Bail Bonds Store Store is so very honored to have been recognized by our greater community as the best bail bonds company in the 2015 Readers’ Choice poll! This award means a great deal to us, serving as another affirmation that...

There is something about knowing we are needed that is just gratifying. Any good person who loves and cares about their friends and family wants to help them out whenever and however they can, will want to do so. If the two of you really...

It kind of sucks when you are trying to apply for a new job or find a home to rent and you have to admit to having a not so pretty criminal record, huh? Is there a way to seal these records or better yet,...