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Did you know that California actually has two different categories of fireworks? The first category of fireworks and the one everyone would prefer that you work with is referred to as “safe and sane fireworks.” Most of us are perfectly happy using safe and sane fireworks....

California lawmakers aren’t thrilled about fireworks and have created laws to restrict their use. The reason such tight fireworks laws exist in California stems from a few underlying concerns that include: Worry about wildfires Safety concerns Trying to keep noises down out of respect to those who can’t...

If you’ve never heard of California’s Cruze waiver before, you’re not alone. Very few people outside of lawyers are aware of this option. A Cruz Waiver is a California thing. It’s a type of plea agreement that the defendant enters into in exchange for being released...

The increasingly rising cost of renting an apartment in California has created an unusual trend. Instead of spending more than half their paycheck on rent each month, some people have taken to living in their cars. This is particularly common in the summer when the...

Teenagers like to do things that they feel make them more adult-like. They also like to experiment with things that make them feel wild and free. This combination prompts many minors to consume alcohol long before they reach their twenty-first birthday. Like most states, California...