Bloomington Bail Bonds

When something bad happens, whether to yourself or someone that you care about, you want to get over it as quickly as possible. The longer you have to deal with the bad things, the worse you will feel. This is definitely true when dealing with...

If you were to ask anyone if driving while drunk was a safe thing to do, they would tell you it is a very dangerous thing to do. In 2017, 29% of all driving fatalities were caused by drunk drivers. This amounted to nearly 11,000...

Every good pet owner would agree that their pet’s well-being often comes before their own. They want to make sure that their pet is safe and happy. Even most non pet owners want to help out animals who are in distress, if they can. Sadly,...

Even with all of the PSA’s out there, there are still some drivers who think it is okay to talk on their cell phone while driving. It is still a common enough practice that you can see at least once a day. However, driving while...

Often times, when it comes to reporting crimes, people are afraid to do so. There is a fear that by doing so, something bad will happen to them. That is why many law enforcement agencies have worked to create ways for people to contact them...

Money is a pretty big part of everyone’s lives. Most people spend their weekdays working hard to earn just enough money to make it through another week. Meanwhile, a very small group of people out there try to cheat the system and print their own...

A few years ago, the citizens of California voted to ban single-use plastic straws. At the time, the change was very controversial with many opponents of the bill upset at the loss of the flimsy plastic items. However, as time moved on, people adapted and...

It is no secret that the state of California has a bit of a problem when it comes to homelessness. In fact, California had an estimated 134,000 homeless individuals in the year of 2017. This is almost half of the homeless population in the entire...