Colton Bail Bonds

If you have ever driven on a California freeway, you’ve probably seen a carpool lane before. More recently, they have been renamed to HOV lanes, which stands for High Occupancy Vehicle Lane. These are lanes that are only accessible by vehicles that have more than...

Bullying has always been a problem, but prior to the creation of the internet and social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, most bullying was done by someone the victim knew. That’s no longer the case. These days, you can be bullied by someone you’ve...

It’s almost time for school to begin, which means summer vacations are over and families across the state are heading back home for the new school year. The start of a new school year also marks the reunification of friends after a summer spent apart....

If you’ve been living in California for any amount of time then it should come as no surprise that it was ranked as the third most expensive place to live in the United States, this according to a 2017 article published by CNBC. While California...

This year, US World News took an in depth look at all of the public high schools across the nation. They looked at all kinds of information about the schools so that they could compile a ranking of the best schools in the country. The...

Graduation season is almost upon us, meaning that many young adults are getting ready to celebrate their success. Once they walk across that stage and get their diploma, they are going to go out and have a good time. If your child is graduating from high...

The U.S. Constitution says that a defendant has the right to a speedy trial. This does not mean the trial itself will be completed within a certain amount of days. It means that the time between the formal arrest and the decision of the formal...