Fontana Bail Bonds

California lawmakers want to keep the state’s environment nice so that future generations will enjoy a high quality of life in California. Strict anti-littering laws is one of the tools being used to protect the environment. What is Littering We should all be responsible for our trash...

There comes a point in every parent's life when they ask themselves the question, “can I leave my child home alone?” Many parents assume that California has a law stating when a child is old enough to be left home alone, but that’s not the case....

We’re all familiar with the Miranda Rights, which basically grants us the ability to not tell the police anything if we’re arrested. While we’ve heard thousands of television cops recite the famous words “you have the right to remain silent” few of us actually know...

There is nothing quite as gut-wrenching as opening your front door and finding the police standing on the other side. They never bring good news. Experiencing a moment of panic and indecision when they ask to be let in is perfectly natural. Questions that will likely...

On the surface, carjacking and grand theft auto might seem like very similar crimes, but the State of California disagrees. What is Carjacking The State of California addressed the topic of carjacking in California Penal Code Section 215. If you decide to take a car that is currently...

RVs are great. They’re big enough to hold everything you need while you travel, they eliminate the stress that goes hand-in-hand with having to figure out where you’re going to stay and eat while you’re vacationing. They allow you to stay at places such as...

Street fighting, barroom brawls, and throwing a punch at a guy who steals your parking space. In the movies, these things never seem like a big deal. The worst thing that ever seems to happen to the characters who are involved in public fighting is...

Owning a pet is a wonderful experience. In exchange for providing for their physical needs, your pet gives you unconditional love and great joy. Pet owners are usually healthier and happier than California residents who don’t own pets. While there are lots of perks associated with...