15 Oct Making Halloween Safe and Fun
The spookiest day of the year is creeping closer and closer. With Halloween right around the corner, many kids are preparing themselves for a sugary feast. Meanwhile, parents are doing everything that they can to keep this Halloween both fun, and safe. While Halloween is meant to be a scary holiday, it should be safe for kids.
Of course, there are the more obvious safety tips such as:
- Plan a route in advance.
- Stay on sidewalks.
- Stay well-lit.
- Check kids candy.
There are also tips about what kind of costumes should be used, such as:
- Wear comfy shoes.
- Avoid masks.
- Avoid costumes that drag.
- Use flexible props.
Doing these quick little things will help a parent keep their kids safe this Halloween, but what about making sure this holiday is fun as well?
Not every neighborhood is a good place to go trick or treating. Some may be too unsafe, while other may be too isolated. For instance, rural dirt roads do not lend themselves to good trick-or-treating. A parent may need to take a good look at the neighborhood where they live to determine if they want to trick-or-treat there, or go somewhere else.
Many towns and cities offer different trick-or-treating alternatives, such as events like trunk-or-treat. Doing a little bit of research can turn up some local events that might help make a child’s Halloween celebration truly spook-tacular!