best bail bonds loma linda Tag

For many people, this is a time when keeping of that pesky extra few pounds becomes difficult. This is, after all, why it is referred to as winter weight. Part of the problem is that the weather can become too cold for some to exercise outdoor...

In California, driving under the influence is not the only illegal alcohol and vehicle act, but it is the most known. It carries the most serious penalties. It is also very much worth knowing other alcohol and driving related laws, especially the “open container” laws...

For anyone who is starting to plan their July 4 activities, do not forget the fireworks! It is always great watching the big fireworks show that is planned for the general public, but at some point you get tired of going early to find parking...

You may be able to talk your way out of a traffic ticket, but there is no such thing as talking your way out of an arrest. You can try, but it will not work. Never try to physically resist arrest, as that will only...

Some people believe that if they witness a crime, they must report it to the police; if they do not, they themselves are committing a crime. Actually though, in most cases, this is not true. A person may feel the moral obligation to report the...

Do you have questions regarding bail bonds? Call 909-888-7007 Bail bonds are used by defendants who are yet to be convicted or acquitted, to be released from jail. All defendants who have been granted bail are eligible to use bail bonds, provided they can afford the...