san bernardino bail bond services Tag

California has some pretty lax driving laws (California roll stop, lane splitting, going with the flow of traffic instead of the posted speed limit on freeways) but that doesn’t mean you won’t ever get a ticket for them, and that definitely doesn’t mean you should...

Bail is offered for most criminals but in extreme cases, a judge will deny bail altogether for a criminal deemed too dangerous and crime too horrendous. For example, a man responsible for the awful death of a young 2 year old girl in Boston was...

Regardless of your income, you are highly encouraged to post bail. No one should have to sit in jail, which is why we at San Bernardino Bail Bond Store offer affordable alternatives for paying bail. Just to be clear, even if you can afford to...

Driving under the influence is a serious, dangerous crime. Literally paying for the consequences can be a huge financial loss: damaged property, loss of license, medical bills for yourself or another person, lawyers, and bail. Bail alone can be several hundred to several thousand dollars...

If you are stopped by the police, it is very important that you remain calm and cooperative. Even if you didn’t do anything wrong, you don’t want to give the police any reason to grow suspicious or worse, cuff you. Keep your hands where the...

Besides the obvious - getting out of jail - there are some other benefits to using a bail bond that you might not know about. Using bail bond benefits both the person the bail bond is for, and the public! You get to return to...

As you know, a bail bond gets you out of jail during the period of their trial on the condition that you promise to appear in court anytime you are requested. If you know ahead of time that there is a conflict with the court...

California drivers, there’s a new program that can help you pay off outstanding tickets and still be in possession of your license. The program is identified as the California Vehicle Code 42008.8 and is a traffic ticket amnesty program. By enrolling in this program, California drivers...

Not being able to afford bail may not be a problem - cash isn’t the only way you can pay for bail. It’s expensive and can be very tough to get that kind of money so quickly. Thankfully, there are various forms of bail so...

Who says role models have to be people who are older than you are? Age doesn’t matter. It’s the qualities and characteristics of the role model that matters. Some younger people might be very mature and wise for their age. Some older people may have...