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Many types of gambling are illegal in California, but at least Las Vegas is not too far away! It is worth noting that not all forms of gambling are outlawed in California. Here are some ways gamblers can get their fix without having to leave California: ...

As you know, California passed Prop 64 last November, making marijuana usage legal in California. However, as you might expect, the prop is not that simple to follow. There are details and complexities written within the prop and forthcoming laws. There are regulations and concerns...

Street racing has definitely become more popular in recent years thanks to a number of movies and video games alike. Street racing can be very dangerous to participate in in real life and is against the law in California. Some people may think that street racing...

Tell yourself that 2017 will be the year that everything goes right and commit to this statement as much as possible. Everyone knows that some things will go a little wrong every now and then, and that is okay. After all, life is not perfect. ...

Mad, scared, worried, stressed – these are feelings that you face when you learn a loved one of yours has been arrested. Think about what your loved one is feeling and what they are going through. They have it so much worse than you. What...

Having a criminal record is not exactly a good thing, however, having a criminal record is not the worst thing ever. Though it may be a little weight to carry, your criminal record will not ruin your life. Have you ever considered that someone you...