01 Jun 4th Of July Fireworks Safety Tips
People are already gearing up for the Independence Day Celebration that will be filled with BBQ food, drinks, and fireworks. Those are three essentials to almost every 4th of July party and you can bet people are already starting to make plans with friends and family in regards to who is hosting and bringing what. If you are the one bringing the fireworks, make sure you bring fireworks that are legal and that you use them safely.
- Purchase fireworks that are categorized only as “safe and sane” not “dangerous” from a permitted fireworks vendor. These fireworks will have the Fire Marshal’s seal stamped on them.
- Keep fireworks stored away from fire sources and other flammable material.
- When you are ready to use the fireworks, have a bucket of water and/or a hose nearby, just in case.
- Read and follow the directions as they are written on the fireworks.
- If youths are using fireworks, make sure adults are nearby.
- Use fireworks outdoors only, away from fire sources, dry grass, and other flammable material.
- Make sure no one is too close when the fireworks are being lit. Do not point them at people, property, trees, power poles, etc.
- If you find that one of your fireworks is broken, throw it away rather than trying to fix it.
- Tight fitting clothing is preferred for the people who are going to light the fireworks. Loose clothing can get in the way, potentially catching fire.
- Fireworks are not toys and must be handled with care and caution. They should only be used by those who understand the safety rules and will abide by them.
- For any damages or injuries done from fireworks used by children, the burden falls on the parents.
Anyone found violating the rules and regulations for fireworks usage such as purchasing and using dangerous fireworks, inflicting damage or injury, or storing them in unsafe conditions, will be fined and could face jail time. Of course, the punishment depends on the severity of the violation.
If you do not want to risk using fireworks at your home or even that of your friend’s house, you can always bring the family to the local fireworks show that is organized by the city and the licensed fireworks operators.
Either way, whether you plan on playing with safe and sane fireworks on your own or just leaving it to the official fireworks show for the community, we encourage all to have a fun and safe 4th of July celebration.